Comments on: Why WordPress SEO Plugins Don’t Help You Rank High WPArena is a premium online resource site of WordPress and is focused on providing excellent WordPress Tutorials, Guides, Tips, and Collections. Fri, 27 Sep 2019 19:10:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Helen Stark Thu, 21 Dec 2017 10:51:14 +0000 In reply to Mike Khorev.

Hi Mike,
I never thought of SEO plugins as of some sort of panacea too:) And the plugin itself cannot ‘rank’ you in Google’s Top10:) It’s just a tool that should be treated well to help you refine your content and show your sweet spots that prevent you from ranking higher. The knowledge is power, the tool is… well, a tool:)

By: Mike Khorev Thu, 14 Dec 2017 22:59:23 +0000 I’ve never really thought of the SEO plugins as some sort of panacea for all my SEO problems – I’ve always just kind of seen them as a handy tool for setting my meta tags/etc on each page. The Yoast plugin in particular as all sorts of uses, even if it doesn’t spontaneously rank me #1 for all of my keywords ;)
