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How Easy Is It To Be A Freelance Social Media Manager?

A digital revolution in marketing has changed the way that it works in so many ways. The introduction of social media marketing completely revolutionized the way that businesses promote themselves, but it’s also changed the way that marketing teams operate. There is no longer any need for all of the marketing executives to be working in the office, or even be a full-time employee of the company.

Freelance Social Media Manager

The freelance social media manager is becoming a popular career choice for people that want to use their marketing skills but they don’t want to work traditional office hours. It can all be managed from the comfort of your own home these days. The only problem is, this new way of running marketing campaigns has opened up the industry to lots more competition. Here’s how you can beat it and forge a career as a freelance social media manager.

Also Read: Top Websites For Freelance Content Writers to Earn money Online.

Get Qualified

There’s a lot of competition out there, but not everybody is serious about it. There are a lot of people that do it as a side job or think that they can be social media managers because they’ve got a few month’s experiences as an assistant. If you get some proper marketing qualifications and a good amount of job experience before you go out on your own, you’re far more likely to win clients. You can easily get an online MBA in around 20 months if you work hard enough. Getting some higher-level marketing qualifications will set you apart from a lot of the competition out there. It’ll also improve the quality of your work and help you get more repeat business.

Make Connections

You’re going to need some job experience before you go freelance. When you’re posting on behalf of a company the whole world can see. They’re not going to trust somebody with that power if they have no credentials whatsoever. When you’re getting that job experience, use it as an opportunity to make good connections for the future. If you maintain good relationships with your customers and impress them, you might be able to win their business when you’re a freelancer.

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Often the hardest part is finding your first few customers to get the ball rolling. If you get some work from a few big companies through your existing contacts, you can take that to new customers as evidence of your ability as a social media manager. If you do well, they’ll recommend you to others and get you more work.

Be Proactive

Putting a couple of posts up on your Twitter and Facebook pages aren’t going to cut it. If you’re going to earn enough money you need to be proactive and aggressively hunt your own work. There are all sorts of sites like Fiverr where you can advertise your services and find plenty of customers. Most of these sites are reviews based so the more established members tend to get the lion’s share of the work. When you’re first starting out you might have to do a few cheap jobs to get some reviews before you can start increasing your prices.

The social media manager is a great career choice but doesn’t make the mistake of thinking that it’ll be easy.

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