Comments on: PeepSo Review: An Innovative Take on Social Networking WPArena is a premium online resource site of WordPress and is focused on providing excellent WordPress Tutorials, Guides, Tips, and Collections. Fri, 10 Jan 2020 03:48:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Klingler Wed, 14 Aug 2019 05:54:36 +0000 I don’t remember posting a negative review for a plugin before but this time I have to. We paid for the pro version of Peepso and really wanted to love it but the continuous stream of updates that you can’t opt out of and remain supported felt more like perpetual beta testing and made it hard to consider going live with our site. We finally decided to pause until the platform stabilized but then they billed us for renewal and would not reverse the charges even when notified immediately. That’s just unethical and not how an honest vendor works. Do yourself a favor and keep looking for another solution that’s stable and a vendor that won’t rip you off.

By: Pete Mon, 10 Dec 2018 02:18:17 +0000 Comparing PeepSo with BuddyPress, you get the feeling that they stole BuddyPress and added some different colors, some extensions and turned it commercial.

Support is a nightmare. The guy that handled my case was rude, arrogant and never actually answered my question. This could easily indicate, that the guy didn’t know the code he was supposed to have written himself. He even deleted the thread to save himself, because he knew I was right in my criticism.

The extensions are by far overpriced for the kind of extensions they are. One friend of mine modified a free BuddyPress extension to run with PeepSo and saved $29.

PeepSo can only be categorized as a scam. The positive reviews here are probably done by the PeepSo team and their friends.

Go BuddyPress – It’s the safer, cheaper and more honorable choice.
