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Automatically Post Straight To Facebook After Publishing A Post

I got a question from Mike Winstanley on, “How do I automatically Post my blog Post automatically on my Facebook page?” This is a rather simple thing to accomplish these days with WordPress. There are several plugins that do this. One such plugin we are going to talk about is the Facebook Auto Publish plugin.

Automatically Post

Setting up this plugin is rather easy. The hardest part is creating a developer app ID if you have never done this before. You will see with the Facebook publish plugin that it’s required in the settings panel.

auto publish to facebook

Bonus: We now have 2 plugins to share in this post, just keep reading till the end.

Automatically Post Straight to Facebook

facebook app ID

Follow the plugins Creating Facebook Application guide on how to do this so the App will work for the plugin with zero issues. BTW, the free version of this plugin is good enough.

Let’s get to the plugin settings before you do the APP ID creation so you know the actual settings you will get with the free version.

basic facebook settings

This plugin comes with a log section in which you will see what was actually posted to Facebook. This is a straight forward plugin.

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Let me know your thoughts on this plugin above.

Alternate Plugin

Auto Facebook Poster

The other plugin I think you will like better, it’s the Facebook Auto Post Plugin. The interface is a lot better than the previous plugin. Still you need to add an App ID to get the plugin to work.

New facebook plugin

The settings are straight forward and I didn’t have to look at the instructions but they are still available. Here is a preview of settings that I selected. A pro feature is available if you want more features but the standard free features is good enough.

last facebook settings

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Which plugin did you choose? If you are using a different one, please let us know because it could be added to the list above.

Comments are always welcomed.

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