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Better Google Maps For Visual Composer Review

Better Google Maps Review

Nowadays, online maps have become a huge part of everyone’s lives and they are essential in understanding where one has to go. This is why it is crucial to have a map-making plugin that is efficient, reliable and accurate for any website developer. This is where Better Google Maps comes in.

Better Google Maps is one of the best map-generating plugins for Visual Composer simply because of the fact that it is so comprehensive and complete. It provides an amazing experience for any website developer. Created in 2014, Better Google Maps has unlimited options and features which make this plugin a high functioning one.


The Features

There are a variety of features that the Better Google Maps plugin includes and these features are instrumental in ensuring that your experience is as smooth as possible. The features include the following:

All of the aforementioned features ensure that you are given complete control of your map and that you can effectively create a map that will be easy for your users to view.

Marker Group Options

You can setup your map’s markers using the Marker Group options that are available. These markers can help make it much easier for your map users to locate where they are going and to understand the directions more thoroughly. First, take a look at the options you can use to add markers to a certain marker group:

Next, take a look at the options you can set for the marker groups once you have made them:

Due to the fact that markers play a very significant role in making location finding easier, it is essential to have a variety of options available at the disposal of the map creator.


The Better Google Maps plugin comes for a very affordable price. Only at a price of $13, you can get a number of brilliant features that can help make it easier for you to create a map for your website.

This $13 price tag includes a regular license with future updates and 6 months of support. The support can be extended to 6 more months with an additional $3.38. It’s quite the bargain at such a price.

Pros and Cons

Using the Better Google Maps plugin involves quite a few pros and cons which should be considered. The pros are as follows:

However, there are two pitfalls of this plugin, including the following:

Final Thoughts

There is no doubt that the Better Google Maps plugin lives up to its name and it has been doing so since its creation in 2014. This plugin can help even beginners create a comprehensive and easy to use the map for their WordPress website. It is a very useful plugin to have in your kit and it will instantly make map generation easier by giving you all the control you would want from such a plugin.

The WordPress plugin is essentially a high-quality one that creates a brilliant end product and this proves that the Better Google Maps plugin is very useful. However, it is also underrated and not very well known (which is an injustice to its functional capabilities). This is why people need to start recognizing the fact that this plugin is giving them complete value for their money.

Through the support and the amazing list of features, anyone can make use of this plugin to generate a map that will put all others to shame. This plugin works in conjunction with the WordPress Visual Composer to create a mapping experience that both the creator and user will never forget.

Don’t forget to check it out!

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