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How to Create the Best Newsletter Design With The Help of Templates

An illustration of Newsletter with a Windows Laptop

Design by Bisma / WpArena

Using different templates can be helpful when it comes to newsletter design. Click here to learn how to make a great newsletter by using templates.

What if you could make a newsletter that everyone actually wanted to read?

Digital newsletters usually feature a boring design that sends them right to the e-mail trash bin. But templates can help you take your newsletter design to a whole new level!

Wondering how templates can give you a better newsletter than ever before? Keep reading to learn the answer!

Custom Feel

Why do so many people ignore digital newsletters? It’s usually because the e-mail newsletter design feels generic and boring.

With some solid newsletter templates, you can take advantage of personalization tokens within your marketing software.

As the name implies, these tokens display different things (like names) to different recipients. The end result is a newsletter that feels custom-crafted for a single person instead of a generic e-mail blast for hundreds or thousands of people.

Eye-Popping Graphics

Newsletters are a bit like newspapers or magazines: images are what catch readers’ eyes and attention.

It’s easy enough to find high-quality images for your newsletter. However, it can be difficult to format those images in a way that actually looks good to the reader.

This is one of the things we love most about newsletter templates: you can choose from a variety of image layout options. After that, all you have to do is drag and drop images to the right spot and you are good to go!

Templates take all of the annoyance and hassle out of image layouts and let you concentrate on the overall design.

Smart CTA

Why do you send out newsletters in the first place? Simple: you want readers to answer your call to action!

However, no CTA is “one size fits all.” The CTA for your employees should be vastly different than the one for your customers!

With newsletter templates and marketing software, you can use those same personalization tokens to create “smart CTAs.” These are CTAs that will change based on which recipients are reading them.

You ultimately get all the benefits of sending out several different newsletters without having to spend a ton of time on different designs.


Ever found a website that just looks terrible on your smartphone? Newsflash: this is how your newsletter looks right now!

Most people design newsletters for reading on a desktop PC. However, the majority of users now view the internet through some form of a mobile device.

The answer to this is simple: you need to design newsletters that look good on a smartphone. And this is another area where newsletter templates can be a real lifesaver.

There are a variety of templates to choose from, including some optimized for smartphone viewing. It’s like having a responsive design built directly into each newsletter!

Template Newsletter Design: The Bottom Line

Now you know how to improve your newsletter design. You should choose mobile-friendly and eye-popping graphics to attract more subscribers to your newsletter. That’s how you can improve traffic to your website.

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