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How to Managing Your WordPress Multi Sites

If you planning to run Multi site through WordPress, there are some steps that need to be taken in order to get everything set up correctly. It is important that you follow these steps throughly, otherwise your additional sites simply won’t work.


When it comes to create or Convert WordPress into multiple WordPress sites, Look at this tutorial “How to enable Multi Site feature in WordPress 3.0?“, which tell you how to set up everything. Here is an other tutorial which tell you what you need to do to activate the multi-site ability and get through the set up and domain mapping process “How to do domain mapping in WordPress multiste network“. There is one Plugin on WordPress directory Plugin Commander, by using this Plugin you can manage all WordPress Multi Site Network Plugins at one place.

Creating New Network Sites:

After converting your site into Multi Sites Network, Follow these steps to add new sites to your network.

  1. Go to Super Admin  by Click on “Network Admin” at the Top right of your WordPress Admin area.


  1. You are now in the Networking admin Dashboard, and Click on Create a New Site.


  1. Fill out all required field for your new blog, e.g. the Site Address field, a Site Title, and Admin Email. Click Add Site to finish the creation. Now you can see the new site added under Network Sites link.  You can visit new site by Clicking “Visit” link on  your new site.


  1. You can edit to change the setting for your new site by Clicking on “Edit” link. Aloso you can see User for this site and are able to edit them.

Plugins on Your Multi Sites Network:

I already have explain “How to Manage Plugins in WordPress Multi Site Network” , but there is one more excellent Free WordPress Plugin Service “ManageWP”, You can manage multiple WordPress sites by using this free service and for Self hosted WordPress this would be available soon , there’s a detail article on that Plugin on WPMU “Manage Multiple WordPress Sites from One Centralized Dashboard”, You can read all features of this service by visiting the above link.

Themes on Your Multi Site Network:

Install theme normally as you do on Single WordPress site . Its up to Super Admin to give permission for the usage of particular theme. Under Network Admin click on Themes and check Network Enable or Disable link for the themes you want to be available to the network site:


Best BuddyPress Themes for Social Networking

DynamiX – Premium WordPress Theme
ReviewIt – Review & Community WordPress Theme
LetterPress – WordPress Theme with CMS Features
LetterPress – WordPress Theme with CMS Features
Wordshaft WordPress Theme
Digitalis – Business and Portfolio WordPress Theme

Control User Registration Across the Network:

Go to Network Admin >> Click on “Site” link and Click Edit under the site for which you want to allow people can set up their own sites. Enter value 1 under “Users Can Register” field:



People can sign-up now by visiting /wp-signup.php on your site. There is an easy to provide this link is by adding it to a menu:


That’s all. The site creation link will be available to people and they can add their email and can choose their own sub-domain.They are now ready to run a new blog by login and start blogging with all the normal WordPress features. However, you can allow or disallow plugins and themes for each subsite through the SuperAdmin.

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