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How To Add a GuestBook in a WordPress Blog Easily

Add a Guestbook

The simplest and easiest way to interact with your visitors is by adding a guestbook and Comments section to your website. Today, I will provide a list of the best WordPress guestbook plugins and websites to add a Guestbook to your WordPress blog and website.

I will show you the easiest ways to add a Guestbook using plugins and website services.

WordPress Plugins To Add a Guestbook

Use the following WordPress plugins to add guestbooks easily.

1. Gwolle Guestbook

This highly configurable WordPress Guestbook plugin enables a guestbook on your blog. You can include multiple guestbooks, set mandatory fields, and allow reCaptcha verification for your Guestbook. Other features include reading Gravatars and Guestbook searching (for administrative purposes). Make sure you read the installation guide here. You can have as many guestbooks as you like and edit the look and feel of the Guestbook entirely if you are not afraid of tinkering with the configuration.

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2. Comment Guestbook

Comment Guestbook, as the name suggests, uses the default WordPress commenting system for its Guestbook. Using the default WordPress commenting system has some advantages for creating a guestbook like:

  1. Consistent Styling of Forms
  2. More plugin compatibility – All plugins that work with WordPress comments can be used for a guest book like Anti-spam, Akismet, etc.
  3. All WordPress Comment Features are also available in Guestbook.

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3. WP Guest Book

WP Guest Book is a guestbook WordPress plugin for creating awesome guestbooks using shortcodes. It’s a simple plugin, as your Guest can write a review, and you can show it by a two-type slider with an easy shortcode.

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4. Guestbook Generator

Instantly generates a guestbook for WordPress blogs based on the active theme. Once activated, click on Options > Guestbook Generator to create the Guestbook.

  1. Download the plugin
  2. Extract and upload the contents of the archive to “”
  3. Login to your WordPress admin panel and browse to the Plugins section.
  4. Activate the Guestbook Generator plugin.
  5. Go to Options > Guestbook Generator to create your Guestbook.

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Premium WordPress GuestBook Plugins

1. Avia Feedback Box – Feature Request System


The Avia Feedback Box is a feature request system for visitors and customers. They can suggest new ideas, vote on existing ones, and track your work progress.

2. Automatic Comments – Get the conversation started!

No one commenting on your blog posts? Get the conversation started with the Auto Comment plugin. Auto Comment automatically posts a comment on every new blog like: “Did anyone else see this?”, “Who has experience with this?”, “Has anyone tried this?” etc.

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3. TS Thinkbox – Show Testimonials and Comments


Thinkbox is an easy way to show comments or information from people, staff, teams, and clients. Best suited for displaying client testimonials and showing team member information.

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Websites To Get a Free Guestbook

1. Guestbook Central

This is probably the most straightforward and shortest method to set up a guestbook. All you need to do is go to Guestbook Central and sign up for an account. A short form and email confirmation later, you’ll be all set with a free guestbook for your website to accept those comments your visitors have for you. In addition, tIn addition, the free service has a convenient dashboard from which you can fetch the code for the Guestbook, manage the entries, and select anti-spam measures such as Captcha.

2. Website Goodies

Website Goodies is one of those all-in-one sites that provide you with lots of nifty tools and services under one umbrella. You have Hosted Tools, Website Tools, Code Generators, Network Tools, etc. to keep you going.

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3. SmartGB


You can get valuable feedback from your visitors, and you will encourage them to come back over and over again. Adding a guestbook is easy! The SmartGB website is one with a very simple, clean feel to it. They let you customize your Guestbook to the point of selecting themes. For spam control, they let you choose different levels of protection (Off, Light, Moderate and Strong). The registration process is pretty straightforward (just one short form; all you need is a valid email address).

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WordPress GuestBook using

To add a Guestbook to your WordPress blog:

1) Login to the website.
2) Click on Create a Guestbook.
3) Enter the details in the Guest Book and click on save.
4) Copy the code displayed.
5) Write a new post and paste the code into the post.

You will find the Guestbook on your WordPress blog.

Guestbooks On Blogger

If you are on Blogger and want a guestbook for your blog, you have two easy ways to enable a free guestbook for your website:

  1. The easiest would be to create a guestbook post and invite comments on that page. Then, make sure to link to it in your blogroll, so it’s easily visible to your visitors.
  2. The second is to use the linking code you got hold of from the sites mentioned above and put it in your navigation. Then, go to Dashboard > Layout and add an “HTML/Javascript Widget” to your blog. Then, paste the code from the guestbook services above into the widget and click “Save. “

Wrap up

WordPress is a very flexible platform for creating any site. Adding a guestbook in WordPress is simple too. There are numerous other options available too to make a guestbook in WordPress. If you know anything better for creating a WordPress guestbook, let us know in the comments below.

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